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Reviews for "SUNBIRDS"

by Bocrew
Recommends (23)
Thu, Aug 23, 2012 @ 8:24 AM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Fri, Aug 24, 2012 @ 1:43 PM
Can I be controversial here? Your hip-hop production skills are undeniable and I would definitely buy your album…but..I would love to hear you/your crew doing more full remixes of vocals from ccMixter - sometimes it seems like you upload a track that has already been made beforehand (a great track though!) but a very brief ccMixter promo vocal has just been stuck on at the beginning in order to make it qualify. For example, I love what you did with Javolenus’s vocals in this track because the ‘television’ vocals form the backbone of the song throughout, rather than just being a couple of seconds at the beginning. I suppose what I mean is that I can listen to/buy amazing hip-hop at a twitch of my fingertips through Spotify etc, but what excites me about ccMixter is the way people’s uploads are re-interpreted, so it would excite me to hear more of that from a talent like you
permalink   texasradiofish Sat, Aug 25, 2012 @ 12:00 AM
Would I like to hear BOC remix full pells. Hell, yeah!
permalink   Loveshadow Sun, Nov 4, 2012 @ 2:52 PM
`Would I like to hear BOC remix full pells. Hell, yeah!’

TRF , Respectfully you obviously have never bothered to listen to any other Bocrew tracks as this is the first of two that for a long time that does `not’ have a full acapella. Go listen to the nine other remixes on their first page, Hell yeah !
permalink   texasradiofish Sun, Nov 4, 2012 @ 11:50 PM
Yeah, you right. I’m a fan of BOC and will rephrase - “Would I like to hear BOC remix more full pells. Hell, yeah!”

I should have taken a trip in way back machine before commenting.
Listened to some more of BOC’s 463 submittals there are BOC remixes of full pells.
permalink   Loveshadow Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 12:38 AM
permalink   Loveshadow Sun, Nov 4, 2012 @ 2:53 PM
Numeron , The same applies , have you even attempted to listen to this remixers other work ?????????
permalink   Numeron Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 10:47 AM
Yes I’ve listened to, and recommended, loads of BOCrew’s work, and I know that they used to do remixes of other ccMixter artists’ work (I even linked to one of them in my original post). But then a few months ago they started to just put up what were obviously their own original tracks (with no stems unfortunately, I would have liked to remix some of them), but they would just put a couple of seconds of ccMixter vocals at the beginning (usually either the ccMixter promo by Forensic, the promo by J.Lang, or a couple of seconds of CSoul saying “unique sound”).

It sounded very much to me like they were maybe showcasing potential album tracks or something, maybe soliciting feedback. Which is fine, but that’s what Soundcloud’s for. It’s easily verifiable - just go through the last couple of pages of their most recent uploads and you’ll see what I mean. I could post links to loads of examples, but that would be a bit overly time-consuming to illustrate a point. But just for example , is this really a remix of KungFu:

I would say no it isn’t, it’s just an original and completely unrelated track with a couple of seconds of KungFu at the beginning. There’s loads like that.

Maybe I should have been more specific and said I would prefer if they “went back to doing remixes like they used to do”. But anyway, when these album tracks hit the shelves my guess is that the ccMixter promo by Forensic will no longer be at the beginning of the tracks

But can I just reiterate my main statement in case it gets lost in all this…I think BOCrew are awesome!
Steven M Bryant
permalink   Thu, Sep 13, 2012 @ 12:37 PM
I liked it…lol
permalink   Loveshadow Sun, Nov 4, 2012 @ 3:02 PM
permalink   Wed, Oct 31, 2012 @ 8:32 PM
I agree with both of your comments. ccMixter is built on a spirit of collaboration — so including stems from others is required to be considered a remix. if the stems aren’t on ccM, the individual stems need to be posted so others can use them. if you’re not using ccM components at all (or just barely) it isn’t within the spirit of the site. i’m curious on everyone’s thoughts.
permalink   Loveshadow Sun, Nov 4, 2012 @ 3:01 PM
This is a pretty strong statement as it applies to perhaps 70 percent of the uploads on the site and a shame you are making the point on a mixer who has been here for 6 years and has contributed 481 mixes to Creative Commons.

As the figure head of CC you need to be clear about what you are asking.
permalink   Numeron Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 11:13 AM
I would be very surprised if this applies to 70% of the uploads on here - pretty much everything I listen to is clearly a ‘proper’ remix and it’s evident it’s in the spirit off ccMixter, i.e. a re-interpretation, and kinda homage to, the original but I probably don’t listen to as much as you but as high as 70%?! Are you including tracks that are deleted for this reason, i.e. ones that we might not see?
permalink   Loveshadow Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 12:02 PM
Missing the point again Numeron we are talking about the uploading of mix stems, read Snowflakes comment please. You are asking above for Bocrew stems but only 4 of your 38 mixes have your music stems so you are in the 70% and they have uploaded 481 some of which I have used and made full remixes from
permalink   Numeron Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 12:13 PM
She says “including the stems from others”, I didn’t take that to mean always including your own stems whenever you are remixing someone else? I doubt anyone would want mine - the best parts of my tracks are the parts I am remixing!
permalink   Loveshadow Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 12:15 PM
`if the stems aren’t on ccM, the individual stems need to be posted so others can use them ‘
permalink   Numeron Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 12:20 PM
Quote: Loveshadow`if the stems aren’t on ccM, the individual stems need to be posted so others can use them ‘

Of original tracks surely? I doubt she means that everyone has to upload all the stems when they are actually remixing someone else? Probably best if Snowflake clarifies!
permalink   Loveshadow Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 12:22 PM
I find that an odd statement to make when mostly you create original music for all your mixes using acapellas and thats the whole point, that stems are what this site is built upon.
permalink   Numeron Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 12:36 PM
To me that seems like a separate issue, from what I gather from Snowflake’s comment:

“so including stems from others is required to be considered a remix. if the stems aren’t on ccM, the individual stems need to be posted so others can use them.”

Technically the couple of seconds of Kungfu at the beginning of what appears to be an original and unrelated track, is indeed technically a stem. And therefore technically it is a remix. But I gather her point to be that that is getting away on a technicality, rather than actually remixing?
permalink   Numeron Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 12:18 PM
I wasn’t asking above for the stems, I said it was a shame they didn’t upload them as I would like to remix them - that wasn’t my main point. My main point was just that I would like them to go back to remixing people
permalink   Loveshadow Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 12:26 PM
I know I get what you mean about Bocrew but its not like they have never done it :-)
….anyway heres a little light reading to play catchup.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Nov 5, 2012 @ 9:41 PM
hey jeff — i love BO Crew and all they’ve contributed to to ccM and Creative Commons. which is why we keep trying to encourage them to actually “remix” not “self mix” — all of your tracks are actual remixes. if its not a remix, then its a sample with stems. if it is a remix, well, it is a remix. you think i’m off here?
permalink   Sun, Nov 4, 2012 @ 3:05 PM
Another stylish CC BY track and consistently well produced.
permalink   Sun, Nov 4, 2012 @ 4:18 PM
First, reviewing the track:
Another hypnotic example of “the BOCrew sound”, melding a tight sparse beat with a warm round analog
musical sensibility, suffused with
subtle details… a BOCrew track
always excels at producing fascination through contrast between a minimal modern straightforwardness in presentation and production, and the complex moods and inner reflectiveness evoked by the musical choices in riffs and timbres… perfect music to have in the headphones while staring out the bus or subway window in the middle of the city, those in-between times when you’re just another soul among thousands transiting from point A to point B.
Second, to address what’s been discussed in previous reviews;
I’m always a little disappointed when a mixter never seems to want to write anything in the description, review anything, responding to reviews, or otherwise showing no real interest in participating other than uploading samples or remixes…
but it’s not for me to judge.
ccMixter has long been fairly perceptive and quick to prevent the site being abused in the form of “free publicity/promotional tool”- if the number of people booted for attempting this were known, it might surprise you!
permalink   Loveshadow Sun, Nov 4, 2012 @ 4:29 PM
I would agree , but it can get hard when you only speak French.:-)
permalink   Tue, Oct 8, 2013 @ 3:29 AM
lovin your meaty drum sounds !
permalink   Tue, Nov 11, 2014 @ 9:19 AM
I really like this track, still i would like to try it out without the constant drumplates ticking in the backround…is there a way to archive this without a hand from BOCrew? Sadly they don’t respond and i don’t speak french, so there is the dilemma :)