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Playlist: Turbulences (PB4XN)

Turbulences (PB4XN)
created by tonux_gix Sunday, January 18, 2015 @ 10:12 AM
Here are source subtracks which we use for meditative pieces like ‘Turbulent Chances’ [url=http:/
We generate these lines with Pure-Data MIDI/OSC and then render it in Muse-sequencer using Deicsonze and ZynAddSubFX synths. And slight post-processing using Ardour and Audacity takes place.

One of our steps to the infinity of understanding the nature of genuine reality. Once, famous Euclid told that if someone puts out their arm standing on the edge of the world… eventually, how we can know now, we live in the Universe where Euclid’s geometry exists only theoretically and all circles, cubes and possibly, lots of other things exist only in our imagination. Today sciencists say that the whole reality we know is only less than 5 percents of everything that exists, and that our evolution process is entering a zone of turbulence. There is nothing that bad in all these things, more than that, it’s even good news because almost limitless possibilities appear in front of us, which we couldn’t ever have in the history of life on Earth. But there are some risks in the zone of turbulence, sometimes we will probably feel ourselves like riding a car on the ice - what we usually do may not work and it can even frighten us. All we can do at this point is some training. If even there won’t be a practical use of it, we at least may be scared less:)

This chaotic composition is to some point a try to train a bit. Sometimes we want to do something similar, something more courageous than usually. Strange that there was more of that kind of music before. Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix didn’t fear to go out on the ice of free improvization or dissonance…