

About Me
Sometimes in our life, it may be needed to fall, in order to start again our journey, with reconsidered viewpoint, making more stable steps. This is the meaning of the nickname “zero-project”. It describes a journey which starts from zero, but it stargazes…

I started publishing my compositions at the end of 2007 through my site and through music internet communities. I believe that I don’t have something special to use as bio, everyone has his own story to tell, interesting, or not. Instead of words, I offer a part of my being: Music…

I also believe that regardless to the importance of our root and our destination, the most enjoyable is the trip between these two points…

Thank you for visiting, fasten your seat belt and enjoy your (music) flight!..
Member since
Tue, Jan 17, 2012
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zero-project has no remixes and has not been remixed
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