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Tue, Mar 4, 2025
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karthik, subramany, is, an, accomplished, indian, violinist, music, producer, and, composer, he, is, trained, in, carnatic, music, and, is, also, well, versed, in, playing, indian, film, ghazals, western, classical, pop, blues, karthik, has, been, the, recipient, of, most, coveted, guinness, world, records, for, his, violin, performance, he, has, received, many, other, awards, including, the, special, award, from, lord, mayor, of, sheffield, uk, and, best, violinist, award, for, his, violin, solo, performances, karthik, became, the, first, and, youngest, indian, violinist, to, feature, twice, on, bbc, radio, sheffield, uk, in, 2012, he, has, given, numerous, concerts, enthralling, audiences, internationally, he, has, founded, renowned, world, fusion, band, consisting, of, international, musicians, karthik, subramany, live, karthik, has, been, nominated, for, fellowship, the, world, s, most, prestigious, network, of, performing, artists, he, has, successfully, completed, the, western, music, course, from, university, of, edinburgh, uk, developing, musicianship, berklee, college, of, music, usa, western, classical, music, composition, national, university, of, singapore, with, distinctions, karthik, has, also, been, conducting, violin, classes, to, enthusiasts, worldwide, karthik, has, recently, composed, and, released, an, album, intergalactic, fusion, of, electronic, music, and, violin, edging, into, other, genres, consisting, of, synth, voices, acoustic, guitar, bass, drums, piano, and, violin, the, tracks, have, been, energetically, programmed, with, vibrations, of, various, hindu, gods, and, goddess, mantras