Deep Roots Remix Event


About Me
I’ve been spinning since 1972 and would not even think about buying any music on a CD because of the warm full sound that I get from Vinyl.
I started out with disco then went to house,drum & bass and electronica.

So my roots are deep into dance music and anything thats electronicly strange.

Vinyl is all that I buy and all of it is always Electronic.

My vinyl collection stems from the early 1970’s and I stopped counting it in 1989.

I neither spin,own nor listen to r&b,jazz or slow jams.

My music has to be fast,pumping,hard and constant and if it needs to be slow…then it has to be ambient.

The stranger the better.
Member since
Mon, Oct 8, 2007
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grooveboy has no remixes and has not been remixed
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