

About Me
Who I`m I, is something that no one should care, so I’m not going to talk a lot about it.
I’m a poor person from spain who likes to make some weird music.

visit my page and tell me what do you think about my music, if it gives you error, please hit reload page, i dont have money for a good server, thanks.

I have my two experimental cd for donwload at: http://dashboard.filefront....

I know that time is money, but listen the songs complete before writing a review, thanks
Member since
Thu, Mar 30, 2006
Feeds and Podcasts for fernando_filgueira
fernando_filgueira has 9 remixes and has not been remixed
Review Stats
fernando_filgueira has not left any reviews and has been reviewed once
Forum posts
fernando_filgueira has posted 7 forum messages