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We stopped outside a small terraced house in a quiet looking neighbourhood and I followed Billy to the door, Dawn had left it ajar as she apparently preferred Billy to be able to make a quick entrance so as not to alert her sometimes nosey neighbours that she had a male company some evenings. He pushed it open and I mimicked his behaviour as he wiped his feet on the mat and walked in. immediately to our right was a door into the front room, Dawn was hovering nervously inside, anxious to see who Billy had brought with him and looking slightly nervous.Breaking away, Dawn offered us both a glass from a bottle of red wine she had opened and started before our arrival, no doubt to provide her with a little Dutch courage. I eagerly accepted the filled glass from her, feeling glad to have something to hold onto. the hot girls in lingerieWatching Dawn fill our glasses gave me the first opportunity to take a good look at her. She was wearing a loose blouse and a floaty skirt that came down to her knees, neither item was particularly clingy, and I wondered if she was shy about her figure and wanted to avoid drawing attention to it. She needn’t have worried; she was a very attractive lady and had a smiling face that you were instantly drawn to. I smiled to myself when I spotted that she was also wearing tan coloured hose, and nothing on her feet. I was fortunate that Maggie had always been happy to indulge my mild nylon fetish, wearing either stockings or tights for the majority of our sexual activities. I was always wowed by the sight and sensations gained from a woman wearing stockings and stilettoes especially in bed and had also come to appreciate to fun and enjoyment to be had from making my own path through a pair of good quality tights to reach the treasures underneath. the lingerie stockingsBilly rested his glass on a nearby side table and from behind wrapped his arms around Dawn’s waist, slowly moving his hands upwards until they brushed lightly over her still covered but considerable looking breasts. the sexy girls in lingerieHer eyes closed, she shuddered visibly, and a small sigh escaped her lips. “I think she’s pleased to see us Sam, why don’t you check to be certain.” Billy’s hands dropped to the outside of Dawn’s thighs and he drew them upwards again slowly bringing her skirt with them until it was just barely covering her crotch.Tentatively I stepped into them and gently brushed my hand on the inside of Dawn’s right thigh (confirming she was indeed wearing hold-up stockings), lightly tracing an upward path with my fingers past the elasticated lacy tops and onto the bare flesh above. She sucked air in through her teeth and shuddered again, her eyes were open now and she smiled in encouragement.
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Tue, Aug 3, 2021
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