Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress


About Me
The Hate Eighties are archeologists of the future using the prism of the past to reflect a bleak present you just haven’t realised you live in yet.
The Hate Eighties are an everymedia project designed for full audience interaction. They are fashion, sex, power, microwaves, tropical holidays, TV celebrity worship, and working/sleeping/recreation for eight hours apiece.

The Hate Eighties ask the hard questions; What exactly happened to the steampunk dreams of the human experience? Can we use the crude tools of corporatocratic convenience to build a better world? What if…Kanye really IS Jesus, and the rest of us can aspire to no more than dreaming our way through our grey, anaesthetised lives?

The Hate Eighties love you, and their love is plastic products, steel buildings and hexadecimal code.

They are your life.
Member since
Sun, Oct 11, 2015
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