Deep Roots Remix Event


About Me
[url][/url]Hi I am Tanya,I am 11 years old I live in georgia and I wear glasses because I cant` see far away when I don`t have them on but when I do have them on I can see far away.I love waching Naruto,Bleach,InuYasha,Full alcumist.My favorite color is pink,black.I have a mp3player.I love playing world of warcraft.I have a youtube account,photobucket account,yahoo account,a account,a myplaylist account,a myspace account,a 4Kids Tv account, account, account, account,a testriffic account.The music I listen to is rap and rock,my favorite music person is t-pain who did apple bottem jeans.My favorite movie is Naruto.Oh and if you use to know raquel192 well thats me.I got rid of her but I am sorry if I did hurt my friends from youtube that was on raquel192 friends list.
Name: Tanya

Hi I am Tanya smith I am raquel192 I got rid of her and I am sorry that I did.I am 11 years old.Oh and I am single.I get to got to Winder Barrow Middle School!

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I have a owner name leochibi`s
I own leochibi`s and her pet name is Renee

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Hometown: georgia
Country: United States
Schools: Winder Barrow Middle School
Interests and Hobbies: I like to draw but I draw horrlable.But my sisiters friend said that if I keep tracing I will get better at drawing.
Movies and Shows: Naruto,Bleach,Full Metal Acumist,Blue Drangon.
Music: I like rap,rock,emo music.
Books: The keepers books,Twilight.
Member since
Sun, Nov 2, 2008
Feeds and Podcasts for Roselie2009
Roselie2009 has no remixes and has not been remixed
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