Imagination Rising Remix Event


About Me
This could be a long story…..

Started DJing out of high school in 1991. 8th in state South Australia DMC final 1992. Eliminated in first round 1992 SA DMC (doh!). Have DJ’d at various clubs in Adelaide and in many private parties. Also DJ’d in a few clubs in Surabaya, Indonesia 2002-2004.

I Have studied piano for many years, had a break, am studying again now. Had an operation on my neck from too much leaning over turntables over the years. Have been making electronic music since about 1996. Have done a short animated film soundtrack recently for something completely different;


I have grown up on dance music but I will have a go at making just about anything. Hit me up for collab, alrighty? My story is a long one, but it’s not finished yet, not by a long shot.
Member since
Sun, Apr 12, 2015
Feeds and Podcasts for Nicholas
Nicholas has no remixes and has been remixed 1 time.
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