

About Me
Love Supine was spawned from a calm misty body of water, a place within all of us where an undercurrent of lost hope flows. Forsaken over life’s time, Love Supine evolved into an ethereal vigilante of Love, whose sole purpose is to rescue all defenseless souls from a ubiquitous dimension of hatred, blind faith and insecurity. Let the Love fly…

Kak comes from no one before him, and is the root of everything after him. An angst from the past, and a dark love in the present, and a hurricane lamp to the future. Kak is a surreal exploitation of your intellectual sensuality, elevating you supinely to another dimension of yourself. Feel the warm breath of reality, get brushed by the touch of will, submit your soul to the Love……the Black Wings Of Destiny are here….

Do you wanna be a Lover?
Member since
Thu, Oct 20, 2011
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