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Your hair plays a large portion in your physical appearance. Hence, it deserves the best care it can get. And truly, beautiful hairs still exist these days. And you can have these if you know how to care for them well.

There are so many hair issues that we face these days. One of them is hair loss. Sadly, this problem may stem from unavoidable circumstances such as genetics, hormonal problems and medical conditions. However, most of the time, a damaged, brittle and dry hair is the end result of improper hair care. That is why before you try the latest hair styles and hair care products, think first if they can keep your scalp and hair healthy. Good practices like intake of dietary supplements, modifying hair care regimen, safe scalp treatment and seeking for medical advice must be done to ensure healthy growth of your hair. There may also be a need to change your hairstyle. You need to know that rubber bands, clips and even hairpins can be damaging to your hair as they hold hairs very tightly, making them brittle and prone to breakage. Certain hair styles like cornrows, ponytails or braids make hair thin and also cause it to break. Use hairpins with balled ends instead and fabric hair ties or clips designed with rubber padding.

Meanwhile, insufficient iron in your diet can also cause hair loss. If this has been detected by your doctor through blood test, you will be advised to increase your intake of dietary iron. Sources of iron include spinach, organ meats, oysters, clams, pumpkin seeds, beans and iron fortified cereals. However, you need to observe caution in taking iron supplements and only take them according to your doctor’s advice since they can be harmful.

Brushing hair 100 times a day is an old method that is no longer effective. According to dermatologists, excessive combing of hair can be damaging instead. Hence, if you have shaggy or thin hair, may as well leave it alone as much as possible to prevent hair fall.

If you want your hair to grow longer, an effective hair growth shampoo will do wonders. In fact, there is one that you can find at this link - . Remember that you don’t just trust any shampoo that comes along. Only choose the one that is highly recommended by hair experts. And Fast shampoo from Nisim is one of them.
Member since
Mon, Nov 30, 2015
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