How I Did It

by Captain Sweepstakes
Uses samples from:
more...Tools I Used
I used ableton Live 6 for the sequencing. The synth sounds are from Reason's Malstrom. The Reverbs are from Live's built in effects. I used Yamaha's Final Master for my mastering.
I started by making the beat a little more up tempo, then I drew some notes in ot a piano roll in reason to get the synths. Everything else is a blur.
The main synth sound is two recordings of the same synth, one was recrded slow with tube saturation, the other was recorded at normal speed.
The drums are only slightly variated from the original.
The sub bass sound was split in to to parts with Lives effect rack. The bass side is just a compressor, the mids and highs are just the bass with tube distortion and a sonic maximizer.
The Main vocal track's high end has a slight phaser
Other Notes
I really enjoyed working with these fast vocals. I was very happy with a lot of the sounds that came out, but I wish I had more time and patience to work on the mastering.