Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

U-Bass white keys
by JohnBozi
Recommends (3)
Sat, May 28, 2022 @ 6:46 PM

Tools I Used

FL studio

Samples I Used

Drum beats are simple samples in FL studio but I put them through all their effects.

Original Samples

I just bought my daughter a U-bass. This is just a quick muck around... actually a few minutes of riffing to see how everything works.


Many times people told me to upload parts without effects and as FLAC so that's what I did. I do not own FL studio so this is a work in process. I have to save each stage of something in case my computer shuts down and I lose the lot. (you can't save and access your files in the trial version)

As for the song like my last half dozen I stick to all 'white notes' no sharps or flats. I like doing this to help me progress at playing music. I love modes so all the white notes can be done in every mode. It just is easy to mix other things without thinking too much.

So far the first few bars are 130 tempo 7/4 signature. I will try to keep making bits to this till I have a few minutes of interest.

Hopefully someone out there mixes up in these parameters and I can work with you.

OH I love the U-bass.

Other Notes

Man, I spent 5 hours researching trying to get my UM2 audio interface to work with FL studio without feedback... I was just stoked to record instantly anything.