How I Did It

by Admiral Bob
Uses samples from:
Tools I Used
Yamaha Piano, Fender mandolin, Fender p-bass, Akai LPD8 drum pad, Garageband
Samples I Used
Choir vocal flac
Original Samples
two mandolin parts, a piano part, a drum part, a bass part.
I tap tempoed along to the singing, figured out it was about 84 bpm, and then put down a piano part. I put a loud conga part into the song (which is now gone) so I could get a solid rhythm on the piano, as the vocal has some stretchy stuff that led me off. I took out the congo and put on a real drum. Then I recorded the two mandolins, and lastly the bass.
Other Notes
I wanted to make this sound fairly organic and clean, and hope I did.