
How I Did It

feasting on whats rotten
by martinsea
Recommends (8)
Thu, Nov 28, 2019 @ 5:06 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Traktor, Reaper, Audacity

Samples I Used

seven samples from plus Sackjo22 s Alaska vocal


I visited and started listening to the sounds. I decided to use all the tracks that chanced to be on the sounds page and mix them. (Thinking of doing this once a week, each week a new soundshot) So I downloaded seven samples, loaded three in traktor,dj'd them, loaded the result back into traktor added another couple of samples, dj again and then the same procedure again.
I loaded this track into Reaper and added Sackjo s vox to see how it would sound with a vocal. ( I had Alaska waiting for an acoustic guitar backing track ) Delighted with this chance result.
The vocal was then sent thru 3 fx
anwida reverb
cockos compressor
js delay
and these three streams were recombined with the raw vox.
The backing track was split into four bands each with their own volume curve.

Mixed them together in Reaper,followed by final compression in Audacity. Alaska is an amazing vocal.