How I Did It

by Admiral Bob
Uses samples from:
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
Gibson Les Paul, Yamaha piano, Akai LPD8 drum pad, Fender P-Bass
Samples I Used
Mr. Yesterday's "monuments"
Original Samples
a keyboard track, a guitar track, a bass track, a drum track.
So I deliberately did not listen to the instruments Mr. Yesterday had - I wanted to see if I could do the Michaelangelo thing and "see it in the rock."
Listening to the vocal I could hear it was a swing. So I put the vocal to a generic swing track at the prescribed BPM, and then played a Rhodes to it. A simple 1/7/6/5 pattern seemed to fit it.
The generic drums I had on it were too busy, and I knew I wanted to make it quiet. So I played something on the Akai drum pad that would be more ambient and cranked the reverb on it.
I added a bass part. I knew I wanted real feel on this, so I didn't do the lazy keyboard bass - got industrious, went down to the music room and grabbed a real bass.
At this point, it was still too busy. The Rhodes had set a nice mood, but I wanted to transition to something even more open. So at the 1:15 mark, I switched to the organ - mostly one handed, but with the other hand doing quick offbeats, and with the percussion turned on.
Then I added the guitar last, playing through a jazz amp setting. That was the easiest part.
Other Notes
I love doing jazz, and to find that one of the hidden gems we were featuring was a swing vocal was a real delight. Thank you Mr_Yesterday for a wonderful vocal!