
How I Did It

michael webb's hymn
by panu
Recommends (17)
Sun, Oct 7, 2018 @ 10:41 AM

Tools I Used


Mix buss:
Slick EQ
Kjaerhus Classic compressor
Amethyst3 preamp (trial)
Amethyst3 EQ (trial)

Mastering chain:
Kotelnikov GE
Youlean lufs meter

Original Samples

Synth choir sample saturated using Density III mk2 and Tessla SE.


All samples duplicated and eq'd with different curves for depth, slight reverb added to one of each pair, then each sample was separately volume automated.

Other Notes

Sample rate conversion done in three steps to minimize artifacts:

24 bit 44.1k pcm wav dithered, noise shaped and converted to 16 bit pcm wav, then to 16 bit 44.1 mp3, all in Reaper.

The TDR (Slick EQ & Kotelnikov) products are dependable pro-quality vsts. The Acustica Amethyst is capable of adding nice analog irregularities and sheen if not pushed too hard.