Resilience Secret Mixter Playlist

How I Did It

Morloch Town (Fuzz Mix)
by Clive Mollart
Recommends (7)
Fri, May 19, 2006 @ 2:36 PM

Tools I Used

Audacity/ Reason 2.5 /Tracktion 2/ Novation K-Station

Samples I Used

Ihooq a cappella vocals on site


I loaded the vocals into Reason composed the Drums/Bass/Guitar and chord structure around them on Reason I always compose on Reason coz its so easy to use. Then sliced the vocal sample with Audacity to come up with a simple verse/chrous Middle eight structure. Rewired Reason to Tracktion recorded pads and trancy sounds with the K-Station and Kraki/chill VST. Mastered with Final Mix VST on Tracktion.

Other Notes

In a temp studio at the moment so not used to my monitors in a new space I think my Bass is to up- front otherwise I enjoyed creating the track.