
How I Did It

"Ophelia's Song" by Musetta -...
by Eikonos
Recommends (3)
Tue, May 23, 2017 @ 3:41 PM

Tools I Used

I've used Cubase Elements 8,5, Butch Vigs-plugin for the vocals, fabfilter for effects & such, drawmer73 for parallell compression and some of my UAD2-plugins.

Hardware was: My PC, Sennheiser HD-650 headphones and an Universal Audio Apollo Twin USB3-soundcard.

Samples I Used

I first found the samples here on ccmixter, but as I investigated further, I found them in higher resolution on Musetta's soundcloud-page!
I downloaded them all, but ended up just using the vocals and parts of the Rhodes-piano they had.
Everything was CC Attribution 2.5 Generic (CC BY 2.5)

Original Samples

I've mangled my instrument-tracks in various ways, bounced them & then mangled them some more.. That counts, right?


I was bored with my own projects & needed a break, so I started going through old stems that I've saved for an occation like this. I immediately fell in love with her voice when I first heard it and somewhere in the back of my head I knew I had the stems to this song somewhere.. Found them after a while & got to work. I made sure NOT to listen to the original track before starting, as I think I usually make more fun & interesting remixes if I don't know what it's "supposed to sound like".

Other Notes

This one was such a pleasure to work with! Such an amazing voice, not to mention that it's in 3/4, which rarely happens nowadays!