How I Did It

by DJsuffikation
Tools I Used
FL Studio 5.0, Sony ACID Pro 5
Samples I Used
Remember The Name - A Capella Fort Minor (Licensed under Fort Minor and Warner Bros.)
Remember The Name - Loop Packs Fort Minor (Licensed under Fort Minor and Warner Bros.)
Original Samples
Created duplicate of hi-hats, snare, and strings but added a few changes to the beats in certain measures with loop editing.
Separated the loop pack and the A capella and wrote out a storyboard for the chart. Listed out where to place transitions and new audio on the track along with correctly placing the A capella.
Other Notes
I would like to thank Fort Minor, Warner Bros., Mike Shinoda, Monster Energy Drink, and General Mills cereal for keeping me up. Fort Minor is sweeping the nation and I love your work...keep rippin up the beats!