
How I Did It

Eternity is build on the past...
by My Free Mickey
Recommends (8)
Sat, Mar 23, 2013 @ 10:03 PM

Tools I Used

zoom H4n (sound recorder)

Samples I Used

-Sample from ccmixter and freesound.
-Renoise instument (piano for the bass)
-Single cycle bits
-Drum sounds
-Recorded sounds

Original Samples

-Recordings of a marble dropped in a glass filled with other marbles. Very cool until the glass broke.

-Ticking on a glass water.

-The sound of scotch tape tearing off its roll. Also on several surfaces. (don't know witch one anymore)

-Created a instrument by loading 3 very short sample (about 8 milliseconds) on top of each other (as 3 layers). And let them loop when played. Adjusting the panning of each sample and detuned the a little.