Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

The Parting Glass -- re-RE-re...
by aliteralmind
Recommends (4)
Mon, Mar 4, 2013 @ 6:44 AM

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Software: Audacity 2.0.3
Microphone: audio technica 75D, with a USB microphone wire


Recorded this with a chord track, that simply chunked out a million major F chords (Gb in the modulated final verse) into my earphones at somewhat random intervals. Although it was pretty rough to get beyond hearing that in my ear and singing emotionally despite it, it was necessary to create a track that was truly in tune, so it could be matched by my acapella group.

If it were possible to rehearse with all the members having their own headphones, maybe the original could be matched, but we won't have that until ultimately recording it next week. The "full mix" from our most-recent rehearsal sounded pretty bad because of this.

I had those chunking chords playing in my ears constantly for a couple days while I did my work, to get used to it. (They're from an online piano I found. I recorded a few hits, and then duplicated it, and raised it for the third verse.)

There are a few niggles (particularly "THEEEErrrreeeee is a fair maid" and "AAAAAAAAAND all the brothers"), but overall I am pretty happy with the take.


There are a small few moments of distortion (particularly at 2:54, 2:58, and 2:59) and I would love some advice on how to best mask or mute it. I am making the executive decision that the take is worth dealing with these issues.