How I Did It
Uses samples from:
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
StudioOne V2
Fender precision
Toontrack drum
Samples I Used
Guitars and vox from Antiqcool samples
Original Samples
Drums programmed by midi and bass track played live
The original song was an acoustic version tracked without click, so first of all I split every single track into multiple 4/4 bars and I warp those for the right bpm.
Then I removed all clicks caused by the waveforms changes.
Some hard works to remove frets and finger noises
Then I start to the new arrangement with midi drums and bass part
Vocals in the chorus was hard panned, so I used M/S technic to correctly obtain lead vox in the center and backvocals panned
Other Notes
It's a great song with great acoustic guitar arrangement
The only frustration is to work with mp3 samples for acoustic sound that would deserve a better audio resolution