Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Tools I Used

FL Studio 10
Plugins: iZotope Ozone 4, iZotope Alloy, AutoPan 2006 T.West, Acustica audio ACQUAVOX, Glaceverb, Pitcher, GSnap

Samples I Used

see attributions


Started with MMT's Spinner tracks. Was trying to chop them up into a drum machine to make Chop Suey. No luck. Decided to add a couple of sounds to the tracks and call it a day. Was trying add some house drums but clicked on a guitar samples instead. The electro swamp sound started to take shape. Added a house drums beat and the bayou vibe was enhanced. Decided to play some keyboard on the mix. Now I had electro swamp blues. Thought I needed to add a story about the swamp. Searched ccMixter; the first pell I found was D'Aubergine at 65 bpm. Copied Panu's pell into the 85 bpm mix "as is". This was getting fun. Added some row boat, waking in the swamp, background noise and gumbo music from Jake's Juke Joint and Etoufee Chalet. Needed some parting words from D'Aubergine. Remembered MiElle's Recommencer from one of Jeris' mixes. Translated the French to identify a couple of applicable stanzas. Added a few ElRon notes left over from "Oh, maybe", wrote down a story line that came to mind while creating the song, and called it a done deal.