Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Tools I Used

Using 32-bit FL Studio 10 running on Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, Subliminals MIDI tracks drive 32-bit plugins Texture, Monolisa, LinPlug Alpha, Karnage, Sytrus. In the mixer channels Izotope Ozone 4 and Alloy 64-bit plugins were used with 32-bit GSnap, Fruity Limiter, Fruity Parametric EQ, Hexaline Big Tick delay, GlaceVerb and Ambience. Also, recroded the Korg TR epiano using FL Studio. Previously running Windows XP, we recorded using Cubase.

Samples I Used

Power Hits by Doru Malaia (r.i.p)

Original Samples

epiano was played and recorded for this work


Substance started with Subliminal’s DigiSequenceArp MIDI tracks and Per’s Rise Again trumpet. Fooled around with the MIDI files, added some drums and percussion, and modifed Per’s trumpet notes to fit.

Then decided to play epiano to create an intro, which sounded like a Samba. Added some ‘dog leg’ horns, an Unreal DM jazz blues guitar riff (slightly modified) and stock sample library jazz guitar on top of the piano. Then added some Admiral Bob and Unreal DM blues guitars riffs to the outro.

At this point a song started to take form. Typed in some MIDI bass notes. Then decided some Spanish vox would be nice. SilviaO’s NadaNada fit with some pitch modfication, slicing and rhythmic alignment. Added a little Presse Kanna as a drum fill and Goodoldneon timbales to the outro percussion.

Used Image Line's Newtone (poor man's Melodyne) to modify Per's trumpet, SilviaO's voice and Unreal DM jazz/blues guitar.

Other Notes

The "alternative mix" replacement changed an intro jazz guitar F# note over Fm9 chord to an F note in the second instance of the riff.