
How I Did It

A Song for Jaime
by Ivan Chew
Recommends (12)
Sun, Mar 13, 2011 @ 9:44 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Logic Express.

Line6 KB37 audio interface.

Fender Strat.
Epiphone Les Paul.

Samples I Used

Admiral Bob's ccMixter stems (bass, wind chime, bass, piano).

Original Samples

Guitar melody and rhythm tracks.


Imported the bass, wind chime, bass stems, and the piano MIDI, into Logic Express. Decided to use only these stems. Didn't attempt any re-arrangement except to move the wind chime slightly ahead from it's original entry point.

The rest of the work was recording the guitar melodies, layering, editing (relied alot on Logic Express's Flex editing!) The melody was based on the piano stems.

Other Notes
