How I Did It

by Snowflake
Uses samples from:
Tools I Used
Pro Tools 8, Kurzweil 2500XS, ATK 4060, Audix Speakers
Samples I Used
I listened to dozens of samples by Abstract Audio and ended up chopping up some of the BreakBeat loops and moving them around a bit to get them to fit to a grid. I then added some of pella samples and treatments, cutting them up and pitch shifting them to match the key of the loop (e minor). I treated several small sections of loops with delays, reversing and EQ to give variety to the loops.
Original Samples
I then constructed a poem with framing melodies around the melodies included in the loops and treated pellas and samples of Abstract Audio. Also played piano and 5 other keyboard parts for some shimmer and counter melody.
I've been reading a lot of Rumi poetry lately and love the way he refers to the Soul as the Beloved and God as The incorporated that idea of wondering what is wanted of us, driving ourselves to insanity asking this question.....
The most challenging aspect of this mix was getting the EQs right. The loop had a lot of low-thump that I couldn't seem to EQ out without muddying the rest of the mix. After frustration, spinningmerkaba helped me with some EQ suggestions that seemed to help.
Other Notes
I could definitely spend a full week just trying to mix this, but the beauty of the secret mixter is letting go.