How I Did It

by Ivan Chew
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
Macbook Pro.
Fender Stratocaster.
Line6 KB37 audio interface.
Line6 PodFarm.
Samples I Used
Stems from ccMixter.
GarageBand drum loops.
Original Samples
Clean and distortion guitar tracks ("live" guitar).
Bass (GarageBand musical instruments).
This mix sort of evolved and strayed from my initial idea.
First I found Admiralbob's "Bees of Heaven" stems and wanted to do a more solemn and "fuller" version, something that evokes strength and passion. But I failed to create the sound I wanted. I trashed the mix.
Then as a separate project, I started on Jacinda's "Soul of Insects" stems. Wanted to see if I could make anything out of it, 'cos it sounded really challenging to mix (it turned out to be so). Tried a few random instrumentation and nothing seemed to work. Almost trashed the project, but then I found a rock drum loop that seems to fit. OK, maybe I could do it like Gregorian Chant style. I was too ambitious and underskilled.
When all else failed, I plugged in my guitar to try and find the chords. And just practiced some distortion/ galloping riffs. And then something sounded like it worked.
So now with Jacinda's gothic sounding track, rock drums, heavy metal galloping riffs, I plonked in Admiralbob's vocals just for effects. And it seems to fit, at least to my ears.
I used Admiralbob's piano and pad stems to create that transition from heavy to light, for the final part.
I'd like to think I've managed to retain Admiralbob's original solemn & sincere treatment, with a blend of Jacinda's mysterious sounding track, and the distortion guitars conveying the strength and power of the bees.
Other Notes
It was incidental that both stems have insects in their titles :)