Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

by El.ector
Recommends (7)
Sun, Mar 28, 2010 @ 9:54 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Ibanez 7 string guitar tuned on open-d
Digitech rp 200 digital effect processor.
Mackie Onyx satellite, audio interface.
Korg PadKOntrol:
Cheap speakers.
AKG perception 220 condenser mic.
Ableton Live 8 Demo

Samples I Used

Billraydrums. Big_fat_thang.

Original Samples

I created the bass using a basic sinusoid, the guitars, and the breaking objects


first I tuned my guitar in an unexplored tuning hoping to experiment with non-traditional chord voicings and to feed my imagination by the unknown. after the first take of the guitar i felt some parts needed some more articulation so i recorded an other guitar on top.. again. improvising with my self. after this step.. y resampled a fragment of both of the guitar tracks together, then this sample was chopped down into small pieces of interest and this small pieces were asigned to diferent tracks.. this material is what is heard on the very begining.. so.. with this chops i designed a sort of percussion line.. then i asigned diferent pannings to the chopped down material to increase the stereo. after this step.. i was in the need of some noise.. i love noise.. specially because my intention with this track was to start from an tolerable caos.. and inmerse the listener into a freedom-trance experience.. so.. i took a sample of a broken window.. and a broken cup.. and both of them.. run them throgh the same chopping process as the guitars... i created a poliritmic pattern and it worked for me... added some compression to the guitars.. and now was the time for the drums to enter.. i have to thank mr bill ray for an outstanding job with the drums.. the give the power to the track.. i just aded some eq and compression and they match good.. well.. as far as i can tell for the signal i get from my cheap speaker system! well thats all.. to it.

Other Notes

I like when the subconcience of noise finds place in a musical context, i love when it makes part of the musical speech, the gesture. this track is about movement. and the only constant.. change.