
How I Did It

Something Like Egypt
by gurdonark
Recommends (15)
Fri, Mar 5, 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Sawcutter 2.0
Magix Samplitude 14
The Shepherd
My own whistling

Samples I Used

I created a sample from the freeware VST The Shepherd, a wonderful whistle synth. I created a second sample from my own whistling.


I put the whistle synth sample into Sawcutter 2.0 and sequenced the melody. I added a second sequenced melody of my own whistle to make a slight variation in the sound. I applied an amplifier simulation (4 x 10 British Solid State Jazz) to the vocal, and re-paced it a bit.

Other Notes

I created this remix in a couple of hours. The melody seemed to flow the minute I sat down to write a melody for this lovely poem.