
How I Did It

Shoogie (Live at Shakey's Piz...
by Admiral Bob
Recommends (25)
Sun, Dec 13, 2009 @ 7:14 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Fostex MR-8, M-Audio keystudio, a P bass, a Fender Telecaster with SCN Noiseless pickups.

Samples I Used

I used the vocal from Panu Moon's Shoogie (I couldn't quite figure out the guitar chords, so I couldn't use that.)

Original Samples

Everything but the vocal; bass, a rhythm guitar, the very loud lead guitar, organ, and piano.


After all of my ASIO problems last song, I recorded all this on the portable recorder, no MIDI. Then I mixed it in Reaper, and put a hint of stereo slapback on the guitar... you can hardly hear it.

Other Notes

Only took two hours. A Much more pleasant experience than yesterday's, which took all day!