How I Did It

by SackJo22
Uses samples from:
Samples are used in:
more...Tools I Used
Magix Music Maker
Fender Fretless P-Bass (circa 1976)
Blue Snowball USB Mic
Samples I Used
Gurdonark's Winter Drone Sample Pack
Original Samples
I tried two or three different approaches. I originally wanted to do something with a groove, but had a hard time sourcing samples that worked for me in this context. Finally, I realized I really liked the idea of "calling" in the light with the sound of the goblet bell which I effected to make a bit deeper. I started building from there, bit by bit. The night I did my vocal experimentation, Haskel was busy recording with the decent mic that we have so I had to use the Blue Snowball -- thus the recording quality of my vocal parts is not optimal, but I was satisfied with the performance, and quite frankly, between hosting Thanksgiving, working and coordinating the White Cube Remix project (among other things), I did not have the time to redo the vocals. The first bass part is a simple bass pad to add some bottom end. The harmonic bass part is just some color. I was concerned that the track lacked dynamics, and I thought it would be nice to add another sonic element -- maybe some violin -- but I ran out of time to really work on that.
Other Notes
This mix was definitely a challenge. My respect for what all the mixters do around here is ever increasing!