Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

People Let's Stop The War (Re...
by ditsychick6
Recommends (4)
Fri, Jul 3, 2009 @ 7:11 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Acoustica Mixer 4.5 (15-day trial)

Samples I Used

I used bradstanfield's 'People Let's Stop The War' with a track #6 intro/outro, as well as tracks #1 and #3(2).

Original Samples



I downloaded all 12 files. I only have room for eight at a time, so I picked any eight, listened to them and removed two I didn't like and so on. I got it down to six and struggled with that because it still wasn't working for me. Did a lot of cutting and pasting. Hours of listening later, I realised it was still too much sound, so I cut more and got it down to three, then added two bits of track #6. I like the original, but I think it's too busy to be a good protest song. I wanted something clean and easy to sing along with. I'm very much looking forward to hearing what other people do.

Other Notes

By the way, let's stop the war.