Resilience Secret Mixter Playlist

How I Did It

Too Late to Samba
by MikeTheBee
Recommends (7)
Sat, Jun 20, 2009 @ 4:22 AM

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used


Samples I Used

I found the samples on CCMiixter using the search for BY and search for 110-115bpm.


I combined the vocals from “Too Late” with the solo guitar track from “Samba Ja”. There were 3 samples of of vocals in the sample set and I used two of them, to expand the vocal sound.

Changed the timing of the vocals by splicing and removing some silence. I copied two guitar notes for emphasis and adjusted the ducking.

Other Notes

I kept it simple with just the solo guitar and the two vocal tracks. It could be enhanced with some percussion which I will consider adding later.