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How I Did It

We are in love (shoomoohin r...
by shoomoohin
Recommends (4)
Mon, Jun 1, 2009 @ 9:54 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Mostly done in Cubase 4; I used Ableton for getting some of the arrangement basics, but the majority was done in Cubase. Not much in the way of plugins ... compression and EQ was done via the SSL Duende, used the PSP Vintage AudioWarmer to add a bit of dirt to the whole thing, and a blast through a Waves L2 to get the levels up on the mixdown. And that's your lot :)

Samples I Used

From the original samples, I took Shannon's beautiful main vocal, snippets of the acoustic guitar track, and a small chunk of that wicked horn section.

Original Samples

A little synth line you can hear towards the end of the track, and the slightly wah'ed guitar at the end.

Other Notes

She really does have an awesome voice doesn't she?!