
How I Did It

Skyfall Blue Final
by Wyatt
Recommends (2)
Sun, May 3, 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Adobe Audition 3
Reason 4
Fender Custom Shop Stratocaster
Digitech GSP-1101
BBE 882i
Tube MP Studio pre
Behringer mixer
EMU 1212M sound card

Samples I Used

I made my backing tracks in Reason, then exported them as audio to mix in Audition.

Original Samples

I cleaned the vocal track thoroughly and made a new vox-fx track from it.

I recorded some rhythm and lead guitar tracks after making 20 different backing tracks in Reason.


Once I had a multitrack session set up in Audition, the challenge was to know what to throw out. I started with 23 tracks and threw out 6 or 8 of them.
Once I had built the background and the vocals I layed in some guitar tracks and finished the mixing and mastering in Audition.

Other Notes

The vocal track was way inspiring to me. I brought a little of it forward for a bit of an intro, but other than that I didn't chop it up..just processed it the way I like to process vocals.
That inspired the whole rest of the song for me. It was a total rush.