How I Did It

by essesq
Uses samples from:
Samples are used in:
Tools I Used
MacBook Pro, Garageband 08, Kurzweil Mark V Digital Piano, Blue Snowball Mic, Sennheiser HD424 headphones, personal "Remix 911" assistant (sorry not available in stores)
Samples I Used
Khidir's #11 Cringe
Original Samples
Synth line and guitar line both created through GB, and a whole lot of stuff that I got rid of
I was assigned Khidir for my secret mixter. I chose this track because he didn't seem to like it.
Part 1 was created by isolating one of the heavy guitar lines and doubling it onto two tracks. I applied some additional effects (compression, etc) on that track and then applied a GB preset which causes the sound to pan randomly on the other.
For the second part I had created a completely novel piece of music based on one main chord but I left out any of Khidir's samples. It was brought to my attention that there was no link between the two so I tried dropping the clean guitar line in and luckily it worked - really well.
I applied various automated volume changes to the master track just to give it some dynamics (not much) and that was it.
Other Notes
I wanted to do something more ambitious but I am pleased as punch at the response this has received. I am struggling with all new gear, right down to the operating system of my computer, but it is a lot of fun, and there is so much more I can do, I just need to find out how ;-).