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How I Did It

Broken dance remix
by beerbelly30
Recommends (5)
Sun, Jan 25, 2009 @ 7:08 AM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

pro-tools for the vocal editing,reason for the backing track instruments.

Original Samples

layered a sampled moog prodigy bass with a juno 106 bass


edited the vocals ,cutting sections out that i felt 'strayed' from the song key to form 'phrases' that made sense (sort of!).Then using reason rewired into pro tools,figured out a bass line,chord progressions,and created a backing track

Other Notes

the main drum loop was created ages ago for another song-i used pro-tools elastic time function to make the loop fit.
It was hard work for about the 2-3 days to write and then the 1 day to mix-my goal is to produce a track in a day :-)