How I Did It

by Leifthrasir_Sound
Uses samples from:
Tools I Used
Cubase SX3, Midi Keyboard, Toxic III, Battery 2 + Synthetic Drums
Samples I Used
I used the original vocals, backing vocals and acoustic guitar tracks from Shannon hurley's "Sunrise"
Original Samples
I created background ambience, beats and a bassline.
First of all, i have to thank cubase and it's lovely tempo adjustment technology. It made short work of speeding up the tracks without losing pitch and quality. I also have to thank the artist for this, because without the original BPM I imagine this would have been much harder.
The acoustic guitar was shredded into individual chord strikes and i spread these rhythmically to coincide with and accentuate the overall beat of the track. I also used the chord samples to create some additional background ambience.
The vocals were double tracked and left whole for the most part, the exception being at the end of the track. I felt that cutting them up would do a disservice to Shannon's lovely voice :) (for this reason, I also chose not to add additional backing vocals myself), although i did add some small reverb and digital delay to distance / isolate the vocals from the rest of the track.
The beats were sequenced in cubase alongside the audio tracks.
The final track was mixed in cubase and exported as a high fidelity mp3 audio mixdown, where it was finally uploaded to
Other Notes
This is actually only the third time I have used unoriginal samples in a track and certainly the only time i have had use of a full female vocal track as opposed to just a few sound bites. There was a bit of experimentation, and a little old knowledge resurfaced itself, and overall i found it a lot of fun. I look forward to the day when I can do this kind of thing with my own musicians.
Overall, not bad for half a days work. peace out!