How I Did It

by scarecrow
Uses samples from:
Samples are used in:
more...Tools I Used
Acid Pro 6.0, M Audio Keystation 25, Native Instruments synths: Massive, FM7
Samples I Used
The beats were created from some one shots in a Loopmasters Deep House Disc. The vocals were found here at CC mixter.
Original Samples
Everything except the vocals were made original for this track.
Oddly, I loved the vox and had downloaded them to work with at another time. I was working on an electro house track that wasn't going anywhere, so I changed the 4-floor drums to a simple break beat and wondered what would happen if I pulled in the Kristin Hersh vocals. They were in key and on time. The southern sizzle of the vocals added a WHOLE new dimension. It all clicked and I knew that all that was left was the arrangement and mix down.
Other Notes
This track really makes me feel like it would be worth my while to continue exploring vocal based tracks. It's a little different and unique, but sometimes you loves things you can't put your finger on.