Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

Tools I Used

gnusound, mpg321 (-w out.wav)

Samples I Used

I found them here, and they're cc-riffic

Original Samples



Very basic wave editing. I put tracks I was going to crossfade in as 3rd and 4th tracks of the sound file in gnusound, then used ctrl-select to decide which tracks to fade in or fade out, without having to re-select the exact same area. I did this on both 'you's to make them ridiculously long by repeating the ou sound w/ crossfade, and then I did it between the two 'you's to mix them together. Also I stole silence from "ground's on fire" and pasted it liberally onto ends of tracks, because gnusound is stupid about clipping, and won't mix where the wave is labeled as 'empty' not 0.

Other Notes

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been thinking about doing this for weeks now.