How I Did It

Uses samples from:
more...Tools I Used
PC, headphones, ears and heart
Samples I Used
See list
Original Samples
Avoided writing music yet again :-)
Not even a swirly synth - they all failed the audition :-(.
I wanted to create an environment for the reading, as though it was being read at the seaside and among the birds. I messed with a lot of moving the sound around during the course of the track but it was all too confusing so most of it stayed close to put. Worth noting because I really thought I would want the track to have more panning and level changes. Here less was ultimately more.
Also I gently time-stretched the pell in Cubase to wring even more emotion out of the reading, and I was pleased with the result.
Other Notes
I flat out love Anchors writing. I often get an idea in my head of how a poem should sound and in this case LS totally nailed the reading so I just had to do something to get it out onto a few more people's radar (or computer) screens.