Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

drop it down (like this)
by remaxim
Recommends (5)
Sat, Jun 14, 2008 @ 6:57 AM

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Reason 4, Ableton 7 for syncing the pella, Virtual DJ as a sampler and of course audacity for cutting the samples

Samples I Used

Backspinz by soundshifter, the got to rock pella by dj vadim and the same loop I used at the beginning of horsefeathers by the American Bach Soloists for the string loop.

Original Samples

just a simple redrum drumline ... I think that's it.


I started to play with VDJ and it's cue points feature. After a while I realized that I just could use it as a sampler without having much work to do with slicing the sample/loop and stuff like that... so I just used the American Bach Soloists loop, put 3 cue points and recorded how I played around with this. Afterwards I opened the recorded wav in audacity, exported two loops and put them in reason. The only thing I added was some little filtering, some backspinz, a drumline and the great "got to rock" pella by Zion. I didn't use the hook of the pella, as it didn't fit the beat (and I m no big fan of hooks in general). I hope no one is going to be mad at me because of this ;) ...

Other Notes

I really liked the sound I could generate using Virtual DJ as a sampler. I ll definitely will work further on this.