Resilience Secret Mixter Uploads in Progress

How I Did It

by Neurowaxx
Recommends (13)
Sun, Feb 24, 2008 @ 4:43 PM

Uses samples from:


Tools I Used

Did this whole track on my Macbook while working a slow 12 hour shift in the ER. Ableton Live was the DAW, Sampletank (piano, violins, bass), BFD (drums, Reaktor/Massive(electronic noise and pads)

Samples I Used

'Brad Sucks' made the vocal track. I have no idea what the original music sounded like.

Original Samples

Everything else is made from scratch.


First mapped out the vocals to a 73bpm grid. Cut up the phrases to sync up to my idea. Found the root notes of the vocals and built a piano progression. (I cant play the piano, but i can map the chords on the grid well). Next mapped out the drums, that was tedious, still not perfect to me but i can live with them. Next the bass line, violins, and the electronic sounds. Bussed everything thru a VST compressor and limiter. Surprised that the mix turned out so well judging by the crappy headphones i was using!

Other Notes

No ER patients were hurt or neglected during the production of this track! This track is not my usual style, but the vocals were inspring enough for me to attempt a more poppy production.