Imagination Rising Remix Event

How I Did It

Remember the name [PCondition...
by P_Condition
Recommends (0)
Fri, Jan 11, 2008 @ 7:26 PM

Tools I Used

Ableton live 7 + Reaktor

PLugins: beat repeat on the drum, filter, reverb, distortion, EQ on the voices. Delay+Filter+EQ and a plugin called skidder that does some random effects on volume reverse slowing.

Samples I Used

The samples from The song "Remember the name" by Fort Minor.

Original Samples

A simple bass line and a piano chords only. All the rest is from the original matérial.


In the arrangement window of live.

Other Notes

It took me time to find something just a little more interesting than just a re-arengement of the song.
I see now a litle more how to proceed ;)