Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress

How I Did It

Poem for Karl Guthe Jansky
by gurdonark
Recommends (6)
Fri, Dec 21, 2007 @ 3:58 AM

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

sawcutter 2.0
magix audio studio 10

Samples I Used

listed, except for my own nose flute sample and a temple bell sample I created using the fleximusic softsynth


I wrote the melody and most of the percussion on the Sawcutter sequencer, using the soundshifter pack, converted into wave files, to voice several tracks of the sequencer. I used essesq's track a the bottom end sounds on the percussion. I then added the sleepless,afterguard and freesound samples as tracks in the assembly in my trusty little magix studio.

Other Notes

I was reading the Oxford Concise Dictionary of Astronomy's entry on Karl Guthe Jansky when I realized I was to put this song together.