Resilience Secret Mixter Playlist

How I Did It

by phogboy
Recommends (3)
Thu, Jun 28, 2007 @ 10:56 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:


Tools I Used

Logic, Korg Electribe, JD-990, Stylus-RMX, Ultrabeat, EXS24, Sculpture, Massive and my calculator ... and Reaktor.

Samples I Used

Smokers Delight Samples for the Epi and Gtr samples (Elab). I own the disc outright and I can use the samples for music production - I can't copy, duplicate, sell, rent, hire, or lend, public performance, broadcast or otherwise distribute the actual CD.

Original Samples

Drums, Strings, breakbeats (Lots of MIDI and sound design).


I only found out about this contest last Saturday so I just started doing a heavy dance mix and got really sick of it. So, I through it all out last night and started over with the idea that I was back behind the drums in a jazz combo playing So What by Miles Davis. The complete song will be more like 5 minutes with a vibraphone solo and more mixing.

Other Notes

STRESS! This is my first "remix" EVER. And the 3rd composition I've done with computers EVER. I'm a traditionally trained musician and I have little to no experience "playing" computers. So ... I freaked out every night! :) But, that's what made it great... I haven't been pushed like this to learn software and to interpret what I was hearing in my head through an awkward interface on through the world of ones and zeros and out my headphones. I wish I could have had more than 45 minutes to mix the damn thing, too.