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Hobo's Son

uploaded: Fri, Apr 5, 2024 @ 2:01 AM last modified: Sat, Apr 6, 2024 @ 11:40 PM  (replace)
FeaturingRonan Tyrrell, Bluemillenium
Recommends (9)
Many thanks to radioontheshelf for bringing this great Ronan Tyrrell vocal to our attention. Much fun to mix!

Was initially stumped by the chorus placement within a blues progression. Adding a 2 beat break between the verse and chorus allowed the vocals to slip nicely into a simple 16 bar blues progression.

Was able to reduce the reverb on the chorus a slight amount using the Izotope RX 10 Dereverb feature. More experimentation may yield better results. Much to learn with the RX tool.

Used Izotope Trash add some distortion to reduce the smoothness of the harmonica, alto sax, MIDI flute and MIDI tenor sax. Used Trash distortion to bring out more snare rattle and cymbal sizzle in the drums.

"Hobo's Son"
by texasradiofish

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