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Angels In Dark Clouds

uploaded: Sun, Feb 7, 2010 @ 6:02 AM
byScott Altham
Recommends (28)
This is a mix I created originally back in late 2008 (or early 2009?!) which I’ve updated with a few new sounds etc.

I’ve litterally bounced this to disk about 24 times because I wasn’t happy with the vocal levels. To high, to low in the mix, I just couldn’t get it right. Hopefully its now at a level that lets both the music at the vocals live together in the same space.

A quick note to all the regular (and new!) reviewers… THANK YOU. The reason I stay passionate about this site and continue to drop new mixes is because your opinions mean something.

"Angels In Dark Clouds"
by Scott Altham

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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